ProLon Review: My Experience + What to Expect with the 5 Day Fast Mimicking Diet

Friday, May 28, 2021
ProLon Review

Fasting (specifically intermittently) is the hot weight-loss trend at the moment, so you've probably seen many programs and diets popping up.

I follow @whitswhims on Instagram and she is a big advocate of the ProLon program, which is where I initially heard of it. She has shared her results and consistently shares the results she hears from followers who have done ProLon as well. Almost every day I saw how people were telling her they lost 5-9 lbs. in 5 days so I was shocked and intrigued by that. I ended up pulling the trigger on ProLon because of see other people's and my intrigue of it. If I lost weight, that would be cool too!

ProLon is a 5-day "fast mimicking" program claimed to have many benefits, not just weight loss. Their website says it's intended to "lose weight and belly fat, kickstart healthy eating habits, gain control over portion sizes, and improve energy. Multiple cycles also support cell rejuvenation for healthy aging."

The 5-day kit costs $199. I waited for a sale + used an affiliate code to get my kit for $120 which was reasonable for me (but also thinking in the back of my head how a week's worth of groceries is usually only $80 for me 😅). They also give the option to sign up for a monthly subscriptions which is $189 and a bulk order option for $565 that includes 3 boxes.

The ProLon kits can last up to a year as well so if you see a sale, I would suggest grabbing one or more whenever you see a good sale because you can keep it and use for whenever you'd like.

When you order the kit from ProLon, they give you a kit that includes all of your food and drinks for five days. The boxes have different varieties of snack bars, soups, supplements, and teas for each day of the diet. 

A typical day look something like this: 

  • Breakfast: L-bar and tea (I always subbed a cup of black coffee here)
  • Lunch: soup, tea, and snack (either olives or kale chips)
  • Afternoon: snack and tea 
  • Dinner: Soup, L-drink (helps with digestion) dessert bar (essentially a chocolate-covered almond bar)

The ProLon website doesn't provide much info on the pills and drinks you're taking during the diet. I'm sure many people blindly take these pills and drops without researching them so that's a little concerning to me. Even though ProLon is backed by scientific research, I think you should still know what's going into your body, so I researched as I was taking them. They provide vegetable supplements, algal oil pills (amino acids), and L-drinks (to help with digestion) — all safe and healthy things to take.

I already eat like a rabbit (in pretty small, healthy portions) like a rabbit so this wasn't an incredibly different diet for me. I don't count calories religiously, but I would guess that my usual calorie intake during the week is around 1,200 calories/day or less. This is not the case on weekends as I love pizza but during the week I'm decently strict. I'm also gluten-free and not a huge meat eater so the ProLon plan didn't sound too severe to me to try.

How's the food? Really good for the most part. Every day is somewhere between 750-1,000 calories. 

The soups are the "main" meals every day and my least favorite of the packets so that kind of stinks. However, everything else is really good. The breakfast bars (called L-bars), kale chips, and chocolate bars are delicious and I wish I could buy them on their own. 

You're allowed to switch up your eating schedule per day, but you can't switch the items in each box for different days. For instance, you can switch your "dinner" soup for your "lunch" soup but not switch Day 1's soup with Day 2's soup. Outside of the box's contents, you're only allowed one cup of black coffee per day and water.

Overall, I love the benefits of ProLon but there was a 24 hour period that was really difficult. Days 1, 2, and 5 were great while days 3-4 were borderline unbearable and I was very close to eating real food. Besides that, my energy levels were through the roof and I am very much considering a plant-based diet because of how I felt doing ProLon.

What I missed most during the 5 day ProLon fast was fresh food. All I was craving were fresh fruits — a bit of an apple, a little banana, a baby smoothie, anything.

ProLon Results
ProLon Results

The most impactful effects I personally experienced were no bloating, increase in energy and clear mind. I was very happy with these effects but I do not think I lost any weight, or very little. I would be totally guessing but if I had to guess how much weight was lost, I would say half a pound, which doesn't sound impressive but agin, I'm very happy with the results and I don't have a lot of weight to lose anyways. I'm 125 lbs. and 5'5".

PS — I'm writing this on a Friday night because I'm so excited and eager to share my results. A lot of people asked for an update when I was done so here you go :)

Please also note that I am by no means a doctor or dietician. Do your own research and read other people's experiences. I am just sharing my knowledge and experience doing the 5-day ProLon diet. Everyone will have a different experience on both sides of the spectrum — good and bad. I've read many reviews from well-known sources and the effects are across the board. Some people have felt amazing, lost 9 lbs. and can't wait to do it again; others have hated life and barely made it. I even read one review where someone was drinking the excess olive juice from the packets, so keep your mind open to the possibilities.

There is so much information to share on this topic; I tried to keep this post as concise as possible while still sharing all the necessities. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or email me ( I'd be happy to talk about it!

If you're planning to try the ProLon diet, here are some things I learned along the way to help you out. Again, remember each person is different and your results will be different but here are some tips that Iw wish I had known beforehand.

Things to note before starting:

  • I don't think ProLon offers an ingredient list to look at before someone purchases but please note that many of the snacks are based off almonds and other nuts. I did not see any peanuts on there but that could be a potential setback or major issue for some people.
  • The teas provided are decaffeinated but you can substitute one black cup of coffee per day. I did this and have about 10 tea bags left over lol
  • While summer is the popular time to try weight loss tactics, it was kind of weird to be eating soup in 85°. Random note but something to think about.

My suggestions:

  • Add a little extra water (1/4 to 1/2 more) to the soups and make them on the stove in lieu of the microwave. You can add as much or little water as you want but this was the sweet spot that I preferred.
  • Don't wait until you're starving to eat. I rationed out my daily food so that I was eating a little bit every few hours instead of in 3/4 sittings. Once you're starving but only get 200 calories for lunch or dinner, that's when you feel the worst.
  • Take advantage of carbonated water. I drank this 2 nights of the week when there was a foot shortage. I'm not 100% this is okay but I was desperate and it's 0 calories so probably alright!
  • Get enough sleep and keep yourself busy so you're not sitting around sulking at the fact you're missing food.
  • On day 3 when food is sparse, I tried to split up the snacks more. For example, only ate half my kale chips in one sitting and left the rest for a snack later at night since there was no dinner snack. 

My Experience with ProLon Per Day


  • 1 hour cardio workout to jumpstart the week. I didn't know if I would have enough energy to do much else so I went hard and felt fine.
  • Felt normal and energized throughout the day. My brain was running a million miles a minute in a good way. Super efficient at work.
  • Felt hungry after dinner but not horribly.


  • Felt energized and brain quality was on point. Another efficient wor.k day.
  • Hungry after dinner again but again, not horribly

DAY 3 
     Soup and L-chips from ProLon diet

  • Low calorie day. 
  • The day was good for me, but by late afternoon/night was feeling uncomfortably hungry and had difficulty sleeping.
  • Drank a lot of tea to try and curb the appetite but it wasn't effective
  • Day 3 has fewer snacks than the other days (besides day 5) and not having 1 or 2 snacks when you're eating such few calories already is hard.


  • Work up so hungry which was the first time this had happened to me so far. Not a good feeling.
  • Found myself counting down the hours until I could eat my snack of 8 olives.
  • Very hungry, felt foggy and brain dead. I also write for my full time job and I was just writing gibberish nonsense.
  • I was really close to giving up but with just a day and a half left, I powered through!
  • Mustered up enough energy to do a 1 hour cardio session. Surprisingly, I felt a little better after this knowing I still had soup and one snack to eat for the day still!
  • Went to bed comfortably full


  • Woke up JACKED and motivated to finish this thing out
  • High brain power and energy levels
  • Day 5 is another very low calorie day


  • Woke up the day after the diet ended feeling energized and motivated
  • You're supposed to eat easy meals for the next couple days after ending the diet (like smoothies, rice, toast, etc.)
  • Within the next few days, I had avo toast, sushi, salads, fruits, chicken and veggies
  • Felt sluggish by the time Monday morning rolled around and all through work

TL;DR — Overall, I am happy with the results. I felt amazing during the 5 day ProLon fast (except for about 24 hours during days 3-4). Would I do it again? Yes.

I think ProLon is a great option for a detox before an event or before/after a trip but it is pretty expensive. The lack of bloating and how much energy I had really was incredible and I am seriously considering implementing a plant-based diet (or close to it) for the future.

I think this is also a great way to jumpstart a healthy diet. Again, I already ate decently healthy beforehand but this really ignited a motivation in me to keep doing so. I am feeling great!

I'm really proud of myself for accomplishing something like this. I'm not one for diets (I actually hate them generally). I just eat healthy, small meals all the time instead of ever dieting. 

**Update: convinced ProLon to give me a coupon code for you guys. Use CART30 for $30 off your order!** Please note, this is a general discount code meaning I receive no kickbacks from sharing this code. I truly wanted a code so that if you wanted to try it, you had a little discount because it is a little pricey. Please let me know if you order with this code/through my content (just for my own curiosity!)

Let me know in the comments if you've tried ProLon or a similar diet! I'd love to hear about your results and experiences.

ProLon Results
Before and after ProLon Results


  1. Thank you for sharing. I currently am on Day 1 and loving all the helpful tips.

  2. It’s funny, yesterday i was also on day one! Good luck!
    I hope I’ll survive

  3. thanks you for sharing. I currently am on day 1 and living all the helpful tips Alex art

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