Friday, September 27, 2013
Ahhhhh, I have been so busy blogging for Ciao Bella that I haven't felt like blogging for myself... First world probs, right?

Well, Wednesday was a full day of errands and David time. We still have some wedding gift cards so I often head over to Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy some things with our free money. Since we don't have much leisure money, most of our house decorations are from BBB because it's basically free so David can't get mad at me for spending money :)

After David got home from work, we headed over to Plucker's for trivia night! Unfortunately, none of our friends could go so we sat at the bar like loners and played trivia with Team Farrington, woo hoo. We actually ended up making friends with an Indian man and his two children. Without them, we probably would have gotten about 5 questions right. The son was a genius! The whole family had napkins out, scribbling down math problems and trying to come up with the correct answer for everything. It was so funny! Hopefully next week we can have some of our friends come with us! Or maybe the Indian family will meet up with us again, haha!

I wore a comfy and cute outfit for errands and trivia. I love this new top!

Top: Ciao Bella Boutique (
Jeans: Forever 21
Flats: Payless

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