Each month I round up a list of my current favorites - from TV shows, to beauty products, outfits and everything in between!
Timebomb by WALK THE MOON
The weather in Dallas has been utterly bipolar, but that doesn't keep me from always wearing black. For some reason, this winter I really embraced my inner sk8r girl that has always been inside me. I went through an emo/punk rock stage in middle school, where I listened to a good amount of screamo and angsty music, and I always have liked an edgier style. Don't get me wrong - I dress girl sometimes but I still like to be a little punk rock girly. I'm already thinking about how to incorporate a hella about of black into my summer wardrobe when it's 100 degrees in Dallas...
In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware
A friend of mine told me that I should read this book because it was one I'd like... And she wasn't wrong! I definitely enjoyed this book, and found myself wanting to read too fast and fly through the pages - which is always a good sign! However, I will say that in hindsight it is a tad bit juvenile. I would have absolutely loved this in college if ya know what I mean? These days, I like things a little darker and more "adult" but In a Dark, Dark Wood was definitely a nice little thriller!
It is about a group of friends and acquaintances who get together for a "hen", which is a bachelorette party! The way that the hen is planned, the events that happen in the cabin in the woods, and finding about everyone's past is very interesting and keeps you reading. I really enjoy books that unfold different layers of the characters differently. This is a true murder mystery that will keep you entertained!
Sex Education on Netflix
This show is so fantastic and so underrated!! I haven't heard anyone talking about it and it is hilarious. Can't stop raving about it. As you can tell by the name, it's clearly all about sex. It's not a porno by any means, but if you don't enjoy sex scenes at all in your shows, you will not enjoy this. From the way they portray it on Netflix, it looks like the show is aimed at high schoolers, but I am 29 and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's definitely more for a mature audience, even though most of the characters are in high school.
Sex Education about an awkward boy in high school whose mom is a sex therapist, and very open about it. Because of this (among other things), the son has problems in his sex life. I don't want to give too much away, but if you like clever and raunchy humor, you will love this!
This show is so fantastic and so underrated!! I haven't heard anyone talking about it and it is hilarious. Can't stop raving about it. As you can tell by the name, it's clearly all about sex. It's not a porno by any means, but if you don't enjoy sex scenes at all in your shows, you will not enjoy this. From the way they portray it on Netflix, it looks like the show is aimed at high schoolers, but I am 29 and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's definitely more for a mature audience, even though most of the characters are in high school.
Sex Education about an awkward boy in high school whose mom is a sex therapist, and very open about it. Because of this (among other things), the son has problems in his sex life. I don't want to give too much away, but if you like clever and raunchy humor, you will love this!
Wonderboom by Ultimate Ears
I was lucky enough to work with Verizon and got a chance to try out the Wonderboom for a while! I plan on doing a full review (and comparing it to my Google Home) soon but in the meantime, I'll give a quick one.
Bottom line: the Wonderboom is amazing. The sound that comes from this speaker is fantastic, smooth and crisp. My sister could easily hear it in her room on the other side of our apartment. And I guarantee my neighbors hated me for booming this thing all the time but the sound is just so wonderful! It does have it's pros and cons - like you can' talk to it and it won't tell you funny dad jokes when you ask - BUT it is also waterproof and lasts up to 10 hours on one charge so it would be so ideal to bring to the pool when the warmer temperatures finally start to hit! Plus, it's just so dang cute.
Bottom line: the Wonderboom is amazing. The sound that comes from this speaker is fantastic, smooth and crisp. My sister could easily hear it in her room on the other side of our apartment. And I guarantee my neighbors hated me for booming this thing all the time but the sound is just so wonderful! It does have it's pros and cons - like you can' talk to it and it won't tell you funny dad jokes when you ask - BUT it is also waterproof and lasts up to 10 hours on one charge so it would be so ideal to bring to the pool when the warmer temperatures finally start to hit! Plus, it's just so dang cute.
Instagram Account to Follow
I started following Arielle back in the Vine days (raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about!) but when that app shut down, I forgot about a lot of the funny people I followed. Luckily, I think one of her videos came across my popular page on Instagram and I quickly remembered how funny she was. To me, she is truly and genuinely funny. She doesn't try to be funny or try to be famous on Instagram. I think she has a really natural following of people who love her!
I started following Arielle back in the Vine days (raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about!) but when that app shut down, I forgot about a lot of the funny people I followed. Luckily, I think one of her videos came across my popular page on Instagram and I quickly remembered how funny she was. To me, she is truly and genuinely funny. She doesn't try to be funny or try to be famous on Instagram. I think she has a really natural following of people who love her!
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